To ensure a uniform growth of protected crops, you need to carefully prepare the substrate in which the seed will be planted. Atlantic Man. offers several automated solutions for substrate processing that can meet any production need in greenhouses and nurseries: from Big Bale peat loaders to peat fillers suitable for any type of tray, up to the soil mixers that allow to obtain homogeneous compounds for sowing. All systems for peat and soil processing made by Atlantic Man. can be used as a single working unit or, in case of articulated works, they are able to automatically feed seeding lines, fillers, pressed blocks machines, potting machines, etc.
The peat or soil loaders allow large volumes of pressed substrate (big bale) to be loaded and chopped, making an optimal break-up of the soil in order to make it ready for use.
The peat or soil mixers, mixing peat or soil with other elements of different origin and texture such as vermiculite, perlite, clay, etc. are able to automatically amalgamate homogeneous professional compounds ready for use.
The peat or soil fillers allow the automated management of filling trays and crates of any size by depositing and compacting in the cells only the necessary amount of substrate to ensure a homogeneous growth of the crops while avoiding waste.